Elizabeth Blaise Counselling and Psychotherapy
in Kings Cross, Hampstead, Harley Street & Online

Recommended Books

Here is a selection of books that have challenged me to think, feel and live differently. I hope that they will also inspire and support you on your journey to wholeness.

The Spectrum of Consciousness by Ken Wilber (Quest Books)
This book discusses the nature of consciousness. It draws on philosophy, religion, psychology and integrates Eastern and Western perspectives. Wilber offers a multi-dimensional view of identity towards cosmic consciousness and describes the various levels of mind/bands of consciousness that exist beyond the ego level with which we usually identify.

The Soul’s Code by James Hillman (Bantam Books)
Not sure if you are on the right path in life or lost your way? Then this is the book to read. In the first few pages Hillman’s beautifully simple “Acorn Theory” explains how the seed of who you are meant to be is already within you and in eloquent and accessible language helps you reclaim your “diamon” and find your soul’s calling.

Care of The Soul by Thomas Moore (Judy Piatkus publishers)
This book provides psychological advice and spiritual guidance and presents a program for bringing soul into everyday life. With chapters on love, the family and early life, the body, depression, work, creativity and spirituality this book is inspirational, educative and a deeply nourishing read.

Mindsight by Daniel Siegel (One World Publications)
Dr Siegel is an internationally acclaimed psychiatrist and psychotherapist. In this book he explains how the brain works and how we can “re-wire” it. He provides practical steps for cultivating “mindsight” which he defines as the skill of examining the ways in which we think, feel and behave. In this way we can make conscious choices about how we act and thereby transform our habitual responses and ingrained behaviours.

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